Monday, September 23, 2013

Essay #1 Assignment Sheet

English 1010
Due: Friday, October 4th

So far this semester, we’ve been discussing reading and technology, and their effect on the human brain.  Your assignment is to compose an essay using one of the texts we’ve read and an outside text on reading, technology, and the brain.  Your essay should discuss 1) how one essay’s argument is incomplete, 2) how the second essay helps complete the picture, and 3) how reading these two texts together gives us a better perspective on the issue.

In order to accomplish this, you will need to:
  • Discuss what both texts argue
  • Explain how one of the texts’ arguments is inadequate or incomplete
  • Describe how the other text helps complete the picture
  • Explain why considering both texts together is superior to simply considering one of them

A couple of things to note:
  • Please avoid personal feelings and beliefs into the essay.  Make sure your opinions are stated as arguments that can be supported by explanations, examples, and quotes from the text.

Formatting considerations:
  • Page length: 3-4 pages, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1” margins.
  • Name, course number, instructor’s name, and date should appear flush left at the top of the page.
  • Title should be centered on the next line below the date.
  • Essay should begin on the next line below the title.
  • Use MLA format for in-text citations, as discussed in class.

Extra credit options:
  • You may take your essay to the Writing Center for an additional 5 points on your essay. You must ask your tutor for a signed slip of paper to verify your tutoring session.
  • You may also rewrite your essay for up to 5 extra credit points.  Your rewrite is due one week after you receive your graded essay back from me.

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