Wednesday, November 13, 2013

"Are Virtual Games a Virtual Problem?" by Shay L. B. Larsen

(And I mean "nerds" in the nicest sense of the word :) )

What kinds of conclusions can we come to based on the research presented in Larsen's article? How does this article compare to Gillen's? And looking ahead, how does it conflict with Nguyen'


  1. I think Larsen's statement about needing more evidence and better unbiased research to make a more informed decision is accurate.

    Olivia S.

  2. I would have to agree with Larsen about a lot of people jumping to one conclusion when video games are brought up after a tragedy happens. I also have to agree with him when he says that there needs to be more unbiased research done.

    Joseph S.

  3. I agree with Larsen that most studies are done in a biased way. Most of these studies started with an already biased opinion, there needs to be more neutral research before the issue is conclusive.

    Allyson Brough

  4. Larsen brought up a lot of good points, most of them having to do with the fact that people assume that playing violent video games will make a person an aggressive human. I agree that it is not fair to go in assumption that video games causes a one to kill others

    Kasandra Hernandez

  5. I agree with Larsen that the people doing the tests, lean towards one end of the argument and that's what their test results will show. How can we make it so these tests are neutral and biases aren't an issue in the results?

    Isabella N.

  6. I agree with Larsen when she mentions at the end of her article that video games are ultimately the blame of a personal choice. If you chose to play that's a personal choice. We shouldn't blame the corporations for causing the violence, when we ourselves chose to play or not.

    Paige J

  7. I think these arguments are all valid. People LET things effect them. It is our personal choice and if someone chooses to be violent because they played a video game... It's not the video game companies fault, it is the person's fault they let it effect them. - Kenzie Krause

    1. I agree. It's all about how a person acts. We wouldn't blame TV if a person stared making drugs because they watched Breaking Bad. So why do video games get all the heat

      Olivia S.

  8. I agree that it is silly to blame all violent behavior on video games. There are other factors that cause people to make bad choices, not just video games. I also agree that there should be more research done on the affects video games have on the brain- t's very interesting!
    -Natasha Pruhs

    1. Violent video games do have an effect on us, and I agree that there should be more extensive research on this. I don't like it when people blame a violent outburst solely on violent video games without good evidence to back up their claim.

      Levi Skinner

  9. I think that video games may lead to some violent behavior, but I think that the person already has anger inside and people just tend to blame it on video games instead of something really being wrong.

    Are certain video games better to play then others to help reduce the anger issue?

    1. I think that games in general propose an aggressive state, especially in children. In my opinion, it is not when they are killing people on the game that gives them the aggression, but when they get stuck or cant beat a certain level. So, my theory to your question is no. I don't believe that one game is better for kids than another.

      -Austin Fotou

    2. The original statement and question was from Alexis Smith! I forgot my name.

  10. Do you think that online games are better for aggression? or when they are playing against a computer? Do you think that when there is someone behind the controller that it sparks a different kind of emotion when they are killed? or "defeated?

    Austin Fotou

  11. I want to know how many of you play videos games! and how many times a week? - Kenzie Krause

    1. I never played video games growing up, because i usually just liked to go outside, but when i moved to Utah for college my parents bought me an xbox and a tv for my dorm room. I can see how people get addicted.
