Wednesday, November 6, 2013

"How Many Eggs Should We Place in the Student Evaluation Basket?" by Devin Gilbert

What did you think of Gilbert's article? How many of you write evaluations after a class is over, and how much weight do you think these evaluations should be given?


  1. I almost always fill out the student evaluation forms. I begin with a positive feeling, and the thought that what I am doing will help other students and the faculty. As I continue to rate the various aspects of my class experience, I start to feel a little jaded. I start to feel a bit like I have just purchased something on eBay, and I am recording feedback for the seller. Personally, I don't like feeling like my student evaluation is just a jumble of star ratings, ending in the phrase, "Great professor, A+++++!".

    I agree with Gilbert for the most part. I think having written evaluations would increase the effectiveness and accuracy of student evaluations.

    Salome T.

  2. the over all essay was good but his quotes were difficult to understand. I do student evaluations for automotive and they are very good and accurate. I liked my automotive professors a lot and I don't hesitate to write a review for them. The evaluation in my opinion should only be weighed if the students actually go to class despite their grade in the class.
    -Kasandra Hernandez

  3. I would tend to agree with what Gilbert said about doing written evaluations to get a better understanding of how well a professor is doing. I also think it should be done by those who actually attend class, so they know what the professor is like and what is expected of them.

    Joseph S.

  4. I agree with Gilbert, I think student evaluations should be taken into consideration. Administration should be trying to focus on what the students want out of their education. That doesn't mean they should only rely on the students perspectives because yes most students just want an easy A but that doesn't mean they don't appreciate teachers who make them think and better themselves. I think combined with a variety of other evaluation methods and careful execution this method would be incredibly valuable.

    Olivia S.

  5. Have there been times when a professor gets several negative evaluation results, but they continue to do what they has always done without making improvement?

    Joseph S.

    1. Yes, and I believe it's because the administration does not put enough emphasis on the evaluations. They should be taken more serious, after all I am paying thousands of dollars to get an education you would think the school would want to make it the best that they could

      Olivia S.

  6. What does Weber do with their student evaluations? I think it is really important for students to do these. I have done them a couple of times. I just don't know what was done with them or how much they impacted. I think this article had many good points on other ways to evaluate professors but to include everything.

    Isabella N.

    1. It's good to have a place for each student to voice their opinion. I'm not sure how much weight the evaluations are given, or if there is even enough time to read all the comments.

      Levi Skinner

  7. How many of you actually take the time to fill out the student evaluations? Do you do it 100% of the time, or only when you feel strongly about a professors performance?

    Justin H.

    1. I only fill out the student evaluations when I feel that the professor has done and extremely good or extremely poor job.

      Justin H.

    2. Yeah i definitely agree with justin. i had a teacher who was really good and i made sure that i gave him the "highest score" possible. but when i have other teachers that dont make impressions on me, i just dont fill them out. or i really dont care.

      Hayden C.

  8. I think the evaluations can be very informative. I know that I've gone online to check out the ratings some professors have recieved and it has altered my decisions when it comes to choosing classes. If there is one bad comment here or there it's no big deal. But I have run into a couple of Professor's who have had one bad evaluation after another. However, i've also found teachers who have a lot of good evaluations. Everyone evaluates their teachers based on their own experiences with that professor. Everyone has different likes and dislikes so i think that the system works for a "recommended teachers" list. I'm not sure how accurate it would be for determining the pay of the teachers.

    --Alex Rasmussen

  9. I think that student evaluation forms are very important to have if the students are actually wanting to evaluate their educators. I have know so many people who have had to fill out an evaluation, but didn't care about it so they answered it by "randomly answering" the evaluations. I think that only students who truly want to evaluate their educators should, by all means, evaluate them, but those who do not care shouldn't need to.

    Allyson Brough

  10. While i was in high school, we had evaluations where an administrative cam into the classroom and basically tested the teacher. we had to answer 15 questions, 15 responses, and total class participation in 5 minutes. And if they didn't meet the requirements, they would get scorned for it. do you think this is a better way of evaluating teachers? why or why not?

  11. I think that students only want to give evaluations for a class if they've done really well or really bad. If they've done well then they'll rave on about the course and the professor. But if they've done badly, then they say all kinds of negative comments about the class and the professor which is mostly unnecessary. Evaluations should be taken more seriously with a critical evaluation of the class and professor, not just based off of whether they liked the class or not.
    -Natasha Pruhs

  12. I just did my evaluations for this semester. The questions they ask are very vague. They ask two questions at the end where you can type a response. I wonder if they do shift out the bad ones.

    Marissa Winter
