Monday, November 25, 2013

"The Legalization of Marijuana" by Salas

What are some of the strongest elements of this essay? Where are its weak spots?  Overall, did you find Salas' essay persuasive or convincing?


  1. I think Salas' essay was pretty good. It sort of jumped around a lot and I wasn't ever sure where he stood on the issue until the last couple of sentences.
    I just wondered why the government didn't put in specifics on drug charges? That ruins someone's life. I think that different drug charges aren't as severe as others but they are all the same in the eyes of the government. How could the government be okay with it?

    Isabella N.

    1. I agree. There is a very big difference between the severity of drugs such as marijuana and crystal meth. I don't think the punishments for the involvement with these two substances should be the same.

      Levi Skinner

  2. I think that his essay was pretty good and he had some good sources. He was convincing to an extent of what is going on in the world with the legalization of marijuana today. With marijuana being the known gateway drug it can be scary to legalize it but I think the government would take it into control and it would work out and bring America out of debt. The time and money that is wasted on arresting people for it could be used in other situations and for more serious crimes.

    Lauren Webb

  3. Sala's essay was pretty persuasive. He had really great sources that backed up his argument. I'm never really a fan of essays that discuss drugs just because I feel like I hear about it all the time. It didn't persuade me personally that marijuana should be legalized. I think it is dangerous if it's available to everyone.
    -Natasha Pruhs

  4. Drug and alcohol essays don't change my mind on how I feel because I know I feel about them. Some people say if people want to smoke weed, then they are going to. So why not legalize it then tax it so we can put more money into education and other important things.

    Could legalizing marijuana be harmful to the people in our state?

    1. I dont see how legalizing marijuana could be anywhere near as harmful as alcohol in our state. I for one have never heard of anyone being legitimately addicted to marijuana, and in my opinion, if they said they were, then they have no idea what addiction really is. However, on the side of alcohol, the addiction rates are enormous, not to mention the deaths that occur from consumption of alcohol.

      Austin Fotou

    2. Forgot my name! This was Alexis Smith.

    3. I agree Austin! Alcohol is a much bigger problem, marijuana has fewer health issues. People die all time from mixing drinks and alcohol poisoning. But i also think that people should be free to chose what they do. So legalization would be perfectly fine. -Kenzie Krause

  5. What i really liked about this essay was that he stated exactly what he would be arguing for, or what his opinion was, in the beginning. Ive noticed with other essays, that they take a while to develop a thesis and the whole time you're thinking "okay so what are they arguing for?" but i really liked how you didn't go into this essay blindly.
    I also liked how organized this was. he was very clear and it was easy to follow. he also included factors to legalizing marijuana that maybe people wouldn't think about.

    Hayden C.

  6. I am in the minority when i state that i think most drugs should be legalized, not the bad ones that ruin lives, but at least marijuana and psychedelics. I just think the government has no bushiness in our lives if we are harming nobody. And if we do harm somebody we already have laws in place for this. And the government already sells us very addictive drugs in the form of prescription medication anyways.

    Marc T.

  7. Do you think that if we were to legalize marijuana that it could help solve some of our debt problems or do you think that it would just create more?

    Justin H.

    1. There were some great points made about home much money would be saved, but i think that the numbers could be weak and not necessarily promising.

      Hayden C.

  8. i noted that the essay lacked the sources for where these numbers came from. Did any of you think that the numbers that are presented in this article were accurate?

    Hayden C.
