Here is the post for the Weber Writes article, "Correlation Between Sleep Habits and Academic Performance in College Students." What do you think of this article? What does Burton do well, and what could she have done better? Also, do you have experience with attempting to get more sleep while balancing school, work, and home life? Did it work?
I have tried to balance home life and school in order to get more sleep, but at times it seemed like the less sleep I got the more I was able to stay awake and pay attention in class. I know more sleep is better for me and I am trying to adjust my schedule and set my priorities straight so I can do so.
ReplyDeleteJoseph S.
Wow talk about hitting home. I stayed up until 1 am this morning in order to finish some math homework, and today I will probably be regretting it. I notice when I don't get adequate sleep that I will tend to zone out during my classes. I struggle to pay attention and actually learn. Setting better sleep habits is definitely something that I should do.
ReplyDeleteAlex Rasmussen
I do the same thing. With all these tests coming up, I don't know if I should stay up late and cram or go to sleep early and wake sooner to study.
DeleteMarissa Winter
I have the same issue. I've also noticed if I mess up my sleep schedule by staying up late to finish homework, it's nearly impossible to recover. I end up in a cycle of bad sleep habits.
DeleteLevi Skinner
I noticed something interesting this Monday and Tuesday when I got eight hours of sleep for the first time in several weeks. The first morning after my increased sleep time, I felt so tired I could hhardly keep my eyes open. The second morning I felt extremely refreshed and awake. I think it takes my body awhile to adjust to a new sleep duration and pattern, but overall the results are positive.
ReplyDeleteSalome T
Have there been any sleep habits that have, or have not helped you in your daily routines?
ReplyDeleteJoseph S.
I notice even staying up an hour or two later than normal will make me incredibly tired in my classes the next day. I always try to get at least six hours of sleep if I have class in the morning.
DeleteOlivia S.
Naps are awful for me, I don't know how people can take one and still sleep at night. If I take a nap during the day then I feel wired at night and I just don't get any good quality sleep.
DeleteJustin H.
I have learned to take power naps. It took about a week before I got use to taking a nap for only fifteen to forty-five minuets, now those save my life. There are times when I get right home from school, have to do two to tree hours of homework and then work until eleven at night. I have easily been able to regain energy when I take those power naps.
DeleteAllyson Brough
I'm like Justin, I can't take naps! I've tried and i always end up more tired than I was before. Naps don't help me get back on track with my sleeping schedule because I'm up later at night since I slept during the day. Plus, I don't like to sleep when the sun is out, I feel like I'm missing out on the day and wasting time.
Delete-Natasha Pruhs
Like Allyson I have learned to also take power naps. However, one thing I've learned about sleep is to fully function I honestly don't need 8-10 hours, just in myself personally. Once you have found your daily sleeping routine your body naturally adjust to it. I have to wake up every morning for ROTC to do PT in the morning. I wake up at 5 and PT starts at 6. At first it was hard to wake up, but the more and more I get used to it, so does my body. I've been able to function on just about 6 hours of sleep all day. However, I am a true believer in a good power nap in-between classes!
Delete-Paige J.
I feel like this article was helpful in a lot of ways. Ever since school started, I feel like I never am completely rested. I'm always tired, so maybe some of these techniques will help. As far as how the article was written, I felt like it was choppy and ran on. It said some of the same things over and over. The sentences seemed short and not finished and I had to keep re-reading to make sure I had read it right.
ReplyDeleteIsabella N.
I think Burton had a nice mix of outside sources and her own input. However, I think that for this type of writing she used the words "I" and "me" too much when she wasn't telling her own story.
ReplyDeleteJustin H.
I thought this article was very accurate. Ever sense school started, I feel like I am always tired and trying to get caught up with everything. I have liked taking earlier classes that way I am finished sooner, but many people still have work that we have to throw in the mix.
ReplyDeleteI thought the proper amount of sleep was 6-7 hours? Is there a certain amount that is proven to work best?
Oh I forgot my name. This was Alexis Smith.
DeleteHow many hours of sleep can you generally be able to function on?
ReplyDelete-Paige J.